If you are looking for a way to help your community, think about volunteering at Greene County Medical Center! We depend on our volunteers to help us serve our community. You may choose how much time you would like to volunteer. Some volunteers work as little as one or two times a year, or as much as three times a week.

Who Volunteers?

  • Adults of all ages
  • People interested in health care careers
  • Retired people wanting to stay active and share knowledge, compassion and experience.

Auxiliary Volunteer Positions:

  • Gift Garden cashier or stocker
  • Blood Drive volunteer
  • Auxiliary Fundraising & event committee
  • Filing & other clerical assistance throughout the Medical Center
  • Extended Care Department volunteer (assist seniors with puzzles, events, field trips, reading mail and visiting them)

Steps to Become an Auxiliary Volunteer:

  • Fill out the Volunteer Application Form and the Criminal Background Check Waiver (bring this with you to your interview)
  • Upon completion of your forms, schedule with Human Resources by calling 515-386-0190 for return of your background check
  • Schedule with Employee Health to complete Volunteer Health Requirements by calling 515-515-386-0229:
    1. Volunteers must be current on vaccinations and free of communicable disease
    2. Volunteers must complete a tuberculosis (TB) test and present the results to volunteer services before beginning service. We will provide the test free of charge.
    3. Volunteers must have a current flu vaccination before beginning service. We will provide the vaccination free of charge.
  • Complete the volunteer orientation program
  • Complete position-specific training
  • Contact the Foundation office, 515-386-0108 to learn more about the Auxiliary volunteer opportunities.

Annual Report

Read the Auxiliary Newsletter


Medical Reserve Corps

Community members are encouraged to participate in the Greene County Medical Reserve Corps, a network of medical and non-medical volunteers who support public health and emergency management agencies throughout the Greene County area during disasters and other times of need.

The Greene County Medical Reserve Corps is a unit of the national medical reserve corps, and is managed locally by Greene County Public Health.  Call 515-386-3228 for more information.