Patient Family Advisory Council

Greene County Medical Center utilizes a Patient Family Advisory Council as a resource for gathering feedback from patients, family members and active community members. 

The council was reformed following COVID, in 2024 and is overseen by our Director of Nursing and Director of Quality Management. 


The Patient Family Advisory Council is comprised of members of the Greene County Medical Center Team and members of the communities served in and around Greene County. Members of the council share their time, energy, thoughts and ideas to help inspire change within our organization and make an important difference in the patient experience at the medical center.

Benefits of the Patient Family Advisory Council

  • Promotes improved relationships, built on trust and mutual respect, between the medical center, patients, families and the community
  • Provides a vehicle for communication between patients, families, the community and the medical center
  • Gives patients and family members an opportunity to participate in program and policy development that affects their care
  • Leads to increased understanding and cooperation between patients, families, the community and staff

Council Structure

There are 5-9 community members and 6-8 Greene County Medical Center Team Members serving on the council.  Each member will serve a 1-2 year term.


Contact the Director of Nursing at 515-386-0119, or, contact the Director of Quality Management at 515-386-0107.